

Message from the Club Chairman:<\/strong><\/p>\n

“Welcome to the DELAHAYE Club website,<\/p>\n

Friends, collectors, vehicle owners or sympathizers of the DELAHAYE brand, this site is dedicated to you in order to discover or rediscover the fascinating history of this great automobile brand, a beautiful history perpetuated and animated since June 1966 by the DELAHAYE Club. As you browse through this site, you’ll also come across the various activities offered by the Club, including our spare parts department, which will enable you to restore or maintain your vehicle, mainly for types 134, 135, 148 and 235, and benefit from some expert advice on how to keep it running smoothly.
\nYou’ll also find our programme of outings and our presence at specialist shows such as R\u00e9tromobile, Reims and Lyon.
\nDon’t hesitate to let us know what you think about how we can improve this great communication tool, open to all.”<\/p>\n

Hoping to have satisfied your digital browsing and perhaps welcome you soon as a Club member.
\nYours sincerely<\/p>\n

Patrick LALLET[\/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_message message_box_style=”solid” style=”square” message_box_color=”sky” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-car”][NEWS COVID 19]<\/p>\n

Le RALLYE LIMOUSINE EXPRESS ne pourra avoir lieu cette ann\u00e9e.<\/b><\/p>\n

Plusieurs \u00e9v\u00e9nements majeurs de l’automobile de collection auxquels (pour certains) votre Club participe, subissent les d\u00e9sagr\u00e9ments de cette \u00e9pid\u00e9mie. Pour votre information, vous trouverez ci-dessous les \u00e9v\u00e9nements annul\u00e9s ou report\u00e9s :<\/p>\n